New Atmos Effort to Establish a City and Atmos Lunar HQ on the Moon

Atmos will expand beyond Earth for the development of modernized and futurized prosperous cities, and for the establishment of a non-Earth-based Atmos headquarters in this city. This odyssey will be embarked upon by the leadership of the Atmos Megalopolis Program and the Atmos DSE (Deep Space Exploration) Program, as well as our relevant aerospace partners.

The first non-Earth Atmos Megalopolis-developed city will be on the Sinus Iridum plain on the Moon, located in the Mare Imbrium, a large maria on the Moon.

For context, a maria is a large, dark, basaltic plain on the Moon. The word “maria” is Latin for “seas”, but they are not actually seas. They are more like vast lava flows that have covered the lunar surface over billions of years. The maria are relatively flat and free of large craters, which makes them good potential landing sites. The maria are also thought to be rich in resources, such as water ice. This makes them potential sources of water and other resources for future human-occupied territories on the Moon.

Sinus Iridum is located in the northwestern part of the Mare Imbrium, which is one of the largest maria on the Moon. The Mare Imbrium is a vast, dark plain that covers about 1/4 of the near side of the Moon. Sinus Iridum is a relatively small bay that extends from the Mare Imbrium. It is about 160 kilometers wide and 100 kilometers long. Atmos aims to initiate the development of, and establish a modern lunar city with advanced infrastructure, in this Sinus Iridum plain. Images of the plain can be seen below.

The exact lunar location of Sinus Iridum can be seen below, including its selenographic coordiantes.

Sinus Iridum
45.01° N, 31.67° W

We have also updated our International Presences page accordingly, to include a future Atmos Company Center on the Moon, in Sinus Iridum. Unfortunately, we don’t have any further information for you at this time regarding this endeavor, but we will also, eventually, start a project to expand beyond the Earth-Moon system, to the red planet of Mars, and beyond.

To the stars through difficulties. Ad Astra per Aspera.